What is this?

What, the name?  It’s an inside joke, though we reserve the right to make a band named Jellyfish Interface (which, as Gus says, would be brilliant).

What is this website?  Well, first you have to understand that we’re noobs.  Really, noobs.  Still, we’ve watched every episode of MacGyver and Face Off, and some of us have been building robots and working with electronics since before Justin Bieber was born.  We love conventions, and we’re huge fans of the work that so many people pour into their costumes each year.  We get pumped up about indie filmmaking and props, to the point where we’re renting cameras and building lights and setting up studios in our friends’ houses.

Yeah, we’re a little strange, but we find our particular brand of madness exhilarating.  We like to build cool stuff, and this website is an attempt to document and track some of our work and ideas.  Don’t take it too seriously!