Woohoo! Finally got the code figured out for the Jellyfish! It’s just one quarter of the system, but it looks pretty good. I can’t wait to see it with the tentacles attached and both jellyfish going together.
Woohoo! Finally got the code figured out for the Jellyfish! It’s just one quarter of the system, but it looks pretty good. I can’t wait to see it with the tentacles attached and both jellyfish going together.
Here’s where we are for the cloth parts of our costumes: The dress is complete, except for its sash. The vest and skirt are almost done (and looking awesome). The armor is designed, and we’re about halfway through actually making it.
Of course, most of the electronics and accessories still have to be finished, but there will be *many* pictures once that happens 😀 Also, the reactor earring parts have arrived and are progressing nicely.